I think judging this vis-a-vis an electronic musician is highly problematic. This piece (seems like it )is written in the capacity of a composer/arranger, not a full "producer," that is, composer/arranger/engineer. I don't understand why this piece would be criticized in terms of its mix or master. I think judging a track based on the amount of money someone has at their disposal is extremely unfair too. I think, when judging, people need to step back from their own ears and "unhear" for a few minutes any conception of what makes a song or composition "good." It's easy to judge a mix or master as "good" because it doesn't any critical listening to skills to literally feel that a subbass punches through a mix. But to judge a composition that has a really bad mix (sorry) means you have to hear through the production value and listen to the elements of the composition, I think that task is more cerebral, anyway. Not to say electronic music can't be "cerebral," not at all.
I don't have a problem with made up languages. Kajiura and Kanno do that quite often with great results. As soon as the song started I was getting Kalafina vibes too.
Anyway, I think the composition and arrangement are great, although the mix prevents me from experiencing the song to its fullest.